We're Looking for Leaders!

Danny Heitman
Jan 8, 2024

January is the season of New Year’s resolutions, which has many of us thinking about how we can foster positive change.

In that spirit, I’d like to suggest a great way for you to be a big force for good. Phi Kappa Phi is looking for volunteers to serve on its National Board of Directors and in other key leadership positions.

Now, more than ever, we can use Phi Kappa Phi members like you who are willing to put their talents, wisdom, and insights into motion to take our Society to the next level. If you or a Phi Kappa Phi member you know is interested in serving, we’d love to hear from you by Feb. 1.

There’s never been a more exciting time to help lead Phi Kappa Phi. A primary focus of our next Board of Directors will be to work with our national office in developing a new strategic and fundraising plan for Phi Kappa Phi. To do this, we’ll draw on the counsel of our president-elect, directors, student representatives, and chapter development leaders, including divisional vice presidents. There are various ways to serve, and all of the work ahead will be important.

But as present and past Phi Kappa Phi leaders frequently tell us, they’ve gotten much more than they’ve given in serving our Society at the highest levels. With this service comes engagement with bright, talented, and positive members from across the country. Our volunteers often discover that their service helps make them better in their careers and communities beyond Phi Kappa Phi.

More information on these stellar opportunities is available at phikappaphi.org/boardnominations.