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Phi Kappa Phi News

How Does Merit Work?

Nov 24, 2014

As you’ve surely heard by now, Phi Kappa Phi uses Merit to promote the many achievements of its members! So, how does it work?
  1. You accomplish something great such as being initiated into the Society, receiving a Phi Kappa Phi award or grant, or getting elected as a chapter officer.
  2. Society Headquarters creates a personalized story based on your achievement.
  3. You receive an email from with instructions on how to claim your very own Merit profile. See a sample profile here.
  4. Your local newspapers also receive a copy of your personalized story in the form of a press release.
  5. Using the tool on your Merit page, you brag about your accomplishments by sharing it on Twitter and/or Facebook.
  6. You customize your Merit profile with a photo and additional achievements, activities and work experience. Consider it a virtual résumé! 
  7. You accomplish other great things to receive additional Phi Kappa Phi-branded badges. See examples of the badges here.  

If you haven’t claimed your Merit profile yet, do so today! To learn more about the program including how to request a Merit page, click here