Create Your Story with Merit

Oct 20, 2014

Have you heard about Phi Kappa Phi’s member achievement program, Merit? If not, here’s your chance! 

The Merit program, implemented by Phi Kappa Phi in 2013, allows the Society to create and publish personalized stories about members’ achievements such as being initiated into Phi Kappa Phi, receiving an award or grant from the Society, becoming a chapter officer and more.

Once granted an achievement, members can customize their online Merit profile with a photo, activities, work experience, awards, and affiliations. Merit also makes it easy to share these achievements with family and friends on social media. Consider it a virtual résumé!

If you haven’t received an initiate badge (those initiated prior to March 2013) and would like to create your Merit profile, email with your name and member ID number.

Want more information? Click here to learn more about the Merit program and visit the Phi Kappa Phi Merit Page to see the latest member achievements. And stay tuned to social media, especially on Mondays, as we post tips, FAQs, stories and more using #MeritMonday.