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Phi Kappa Phi News

Forum 15: Stewardship

Alyssa Papa
Oct 24, 2023

With each edition of the Society's Forum magazine, "Forum 15" highlights elements of popular culture related to the theme. Our goal is to affirm that the ideas we discuss in Forum have a vivid presence in our daily lives – in the books we read, the shows we watch, the songs we sing, the movies we see, and the buildings we admire.

As we prepare for the spring edition focusing on the theme of stewardship, we'd love your suggestions for items to include in "Forum 15." Can you think of a work of art, architecture, literature, or music that perfectly expresses the ideal of stewardship? By stewardship, we mean taking care of something so that it can be passed along to future generations. 

Share your ideas in our members-only online community. We'll include as many ideas as we can in the spring Forum.

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