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Phi Kappa Phi News

Extend the Conversation: Reading to My Mother

Marla Elsea
May 18, 2022

 Our spring 2022 issue of Forum focused on the theme of reading and included an essay written by Phyllis Theroux. In it, she recalls reading to her elderly mother after her vision declined. If you missed the essay, you can read it here.

Many of us have fond memories of reading storybooks aloud to our children. "I can still recall, for example, reading a funny book about a garbage truck to my son when he was small. It was called 'I Stink,' and of course he loved all the icky imagery," said Danny Heitman, Forum editor.

What books have you especially enjoyed reading aloud to your children, grandchildren, nieces or nephews? We’d love to hear from you, and feel free to share pictures, too. Extend the conversation in our online member community Link.

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