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2021 Goals Revisited – Time for a Midyear Checkup

Marla Elsea
Jun 14, 2021

With each new year comes new personal goals. As January gets rolling, so do many of our annual resolutions to improve our lives and the world around us. But what happens midyear? How are you doing with your goals for 2021?

Did you add to your plans or dream up a new idea? Have some proven to be better set aside for now? How about marking them off the list – have some gotten a big check mark of completion already? We want you to join the conversation in our exclusive members only Link community.

Mind – Are you working through your reading list? Nathalie Perez (Florida International University) plans to reach her goal of reading 12 books this year by completing one each month.

Body – Have you made time for regular exercise? Binoy George (The University of Texas at Arlington) hopes to be able to swim 200 yards without stopping.

Work – How are things going with your career plans for 2021? Jillian Waddell (East Carolina University) has set a goal of starting a new business before the end of the year.

Play – Have you blocked off some time for fun? S. Dawn Lesperance (Idaho State University) is ready for a vacation, even if it's just a little one.

Relationships – Are you connecting with friends and family as hoped? Shanandoah Sterling (Northern Arizona University) hopes to visit family that she missed seeing during the pandemic.

Tell us how it's going! Visit the community today. The community is available to active members only, and you will be required to log in with your Phi Kappa Phi credentials. For login assistance, email