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Member Benefit: Spring Cleaning with Lenovo

Jamie Chapman
Mar 10, 2021

Spring is just around the corner which means the time for cleaning and organizing is upon us. While spring cleaning usually involves decluttering our homes, it is also the perfect time to address some of the technology issues you may have been putting off. If your digital life needs a little spring cleaning, our partner Lenovo is here to help. Here are a few tips to help you dust off the digital cobwebs!

Organize your digital files. Most of us add digital files to our laptop or PC without giving much thought to organizing them. We end up with a long list of files that can be hard to sort through. Try organizing your files into strategically named folders so that you can spend less time searching.

Running out of space to store all your files? Lenovo offers many different hard drives to securely and efficiently store your files externally. These hard drives allow you to free up space on your internal drive which helps to improve your PC performance. Hard drives also allow for high-speed data transfers and massive storage anytime, anywhere.

Update your current software. It is important to keep your software up to date for better performance and data security, and now is the perfect time to check your software to see what needs to be updated. There may be new software on the market that consolidates multiple applications or is similar to the one you currently use but adds productivity features. Browse Lenovo’s selection of software products, from McAfee to Microsoft and everything in between, to make sure you are operating on the most efficient and up-to-date software.

Updating your software can take time, so we suggest that you clean your downloads folder while you wait. How many items do you download a day? A week? The number might surprise you. Cleaning this folder can free up space and help organize important documents.

Upgrade your technology. Have you been putting off upgrading your technology? While hardware upgrades can be expensive, now is the perfect time to make a purchase because members can access fantastic savings up to 58% all month long. Plus, members receive free shipping. Visit to shop Lenovo’s extensive selection, including the legendary Think-branded commercial PCs and Idea-branded consumer PCs, as well as servers, workstations and a family of mobile internet devices.

Trade in, recycle or donate old hardware. Did you get new hardware over the holiday season? Consider trading in, recycling or donating your old hardware to a local organization. Lenovo offers a trade-in program that allows you to trade in any Lenovo or competitor’s computer or electronic device that meets their minimum requirements. If trading in is not an option, you may be able to recycle your hardware. Click here to learn more about recycling options near you.

You can also make a difference in your community by donating your old hardware to a local charitable organization. Youth centers, shelters, foster homes, libraries and community centers in your area may appreciate old PCs, laptops or gaming systems. Instead of throwing out your old hardware, search for a local donation site and give back while cleaning out.

We hope our tips will help you with your digital spring cleaning. If you have any questions about our partnership with Lenovo and the discounts offered, contact Jamie Chapman, membership director.

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