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Link: The Phi Kappa Phi Community

Jamie Chapman
Jan 8, 2021

Wish you could get advice from a community of more than 13,000 scholars and professionals with the click of your mouse? With Link, you can!

Link is Phi Kappa Phi’s dynamic online forum where active members from around the world can connect, collaborate and engage virtually, securely and in real-time. Ask questions, discuss current issues, share ideas, lend advice and compare notes.

Several communities are housed within Link, including The Writer’s Block, The Study Group, the Career Corner, and our open forum, The Quad. Each community features a discussion forum as well as a library for sharing documents, resources, links and more. Visit to access a full list of communities. Then, click the blue join button next to the communities you want to join. 

All discussions are searchable, so you can find information on topics that interest you in no time. Can’t find what you are looking for? This is the perfect tool for crowdsourcing! Link allows you to tap into the expansive knowledge and experience of members just by posting a single message.

The discussion feature also supports tagging—like Twitter. If there is a member you think will benefit from your post or you want to ask advice from someone directly, simply type the @ symbol and start typing their name. An autocomplete box will appear for you to select the member you want to tag.

Any active member can participate in Link. The community is integrated with our membership database, and you will log in using your Phi Kappa Phi username and password. If you do not know your username or password, click here. Once you log in, you will have instant access to the many leaders, experts, professionals and students that are Phi Kappa Phi.

A few tips to keep in mind…

Keep Your Profile Up to Date 
Because the community is integrated with our membership database, your profile has already been populated with some basic information. However, we encourage you to add your latest educational achievements, awards and honors, memberships and job status. Add a photo so we can put a face with a name and, while you are there, add a few details to your bio so we can get to know you a little better.

Expand Your Network 
Search for and send contact requests to members across the globe through the member directory. The advanced search feature allows you to search by chapter, location, interests and more.

Stay in the Know 
Join theΦΚΦ Announcements community and select the daily digest option to have the latest membership news delivered to your inbox each morning.

If you are a first-time visitor, we encourage you to browse our how-to guides. They are easy to follow and cover everything from uploading a profile photo to joining a community to posting a message. There is also a comprehensive FAQ section. As with anything new, there’s a learning curve, so don’t be afraid to ask questions of staff or your fellow members.

We hope you enjoy this exclusive member benefit and take the opportunity to engage with your fellow members. The opportunities to connect, communicate and collaborate are endless, and the more you participate, the stronger our community will be for all Phi Kappa Phi members.

If you have any questions, please contact Jamie Chapman, membership director.