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Phi Kappa Phi News

Extend the Conversation: Wildlife Visitors

Marla Elsea
Nov 13, 2020

In the fall edition of Forum, which explores the theme of revelation, renowned nature writer Scott Russell Sanders shares how the sight of backyard birds sustained him through this year's pandemic lockdowns. "This morning at breakfast, my wife, Ruth, and I were gazing out the window at the white blossoms on our pie-cherry tree when a woodpecker glided in and settled on the trunk," he writes. If you missed the essay, you can read it here.

What backyard wildlife did you see this year? Did you find yourself noticing them more than in years past? What were you thinking as the assorted creatures stopped by for a visit? Did you take any pictures?

We'd love to see your photos and hear your stories.  Extend the conversation in our online member community Link.

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