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Phi Kappa Phi News

Favorite Podcasts? Share Yours Today!

Sep 30, 2020

Podcast art for blogHappy International Podcast Day™! The Sept. 30 international event is an opportunity to connect with other podcast enthusiasts and start a conversation about the power of podcasts.

Do you enjoying listening to podcasts? Is there one that makes you look forward to each new episode? If so, we invite you to share your favorite podcasts in our online community—other members have already started sharing theirs. Whether it's a light-hearted broadcast filled with laughter or an in-depth look at a topic that really makes you think, you can click here to share your favorites now.

The Society's exclusive members-only online community is the perfect place to kick back, join a conversation and find a new podcast to love. Look for the blue "Reply" button on each post to respond and share your favorites with other Phi Kappa Phi members.

The community is available to active members only, and you will be required to log in with your Phi Kappa Phi credentials. For login assistance, email

Not active? Click here to renew your membership and gain access to this exclusive benefit.