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Phi Kappa Phi News

Our Top Tips for Fellowship Applicants

Feb 20, 2020

fellowship tips blog artPhi Kappa Phi will soon award a total of $615,000 to Fellowship recipients for 2020 – including 50 awards of $8,500 each, six at $20,000 each, and two at $35,000. The program provides funding to members entering the first year of graduate or professional study across all academic disciplines.

Applicants are invited to apply through their local chapter. Each active Phi Kappa Phi chapter may select one candidate from among the local applicants to compete for the Society-wide awards.

Does the task seem daunting? Seth Flynn, a 2019 Fellowship recipient, offers a bit of advice. Despite his personal doubts, the advisers at his chapter provided encouragement and guidance. ”My advice to anyone wavering in their decision to send in an application is to absolutely give it a shot,” Flynn shared. “Writing the personal statement, showcasing a sample of my academic writing, and telling the story of my interest in geriatrics was a therapeutic introspective exercise that helped me articulate my personal convictions and professional goals. You owe it to yourself to apply for these awards!”

Here are a few Fellowship tips:

  1. Stay active – Since only active members of Phi Kappa Phi are eligible, be sure your dues are paid by the April 15 deadline (or you have accepted membership by June 30). Click here to log in and check your membership expiration date. Click here to renew.
  2. Time it right – You can apply while awaiting acceptance into your graduate program. And the award isn’t just for seniors—you can apply after receiving a bachelor’s degree, as long as you have not earned 10+ hours of graduate credit.
  3. Toot your own horn – Give descriptions of honors and awards, but don’t pad the application. Distinguish between paid and volunteer work, but list both.
  4. Choose wisely – When asking for recommendation letters, select professors/mentors that know you well. Be clear about what you’re applying for, give them plenty of time, and provide them with any information they need.
  5. Gather the goods – Don’t let a missed item prevent your success. You must include the application (complete online, download and print), official transcripts, two recommendation letters, standardized test scores (if applicable), and a work sample.
  6. Beat the deadline – While the national deadline for chapters to submit is April 15, local deadlines for student submissions will be earlier and will vary. Make sure you check with your local chapter for their cutoff date. To find a list of officers at your chapter, click here.

Want more tips? These links can help:

Are you a past award recipient? We want to hear your stories and application advice! Join the conversation in our exclusive, member-only community, Link.