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Phi Kappa Phi News

Creating Your Online Résumé with Merit

Jun 11, 2014

In a competitive job market, a positive online presence is critical. Whether you are a recent graduate or on the hunt for a new career path, Phi Kappa Phi has the perfect tool to enhancing your online presence. 

Meet Merit

Merit is an online platform that allows Phi Kappa Phi members to promote academic and extracurricular achievements, work experience, leadership roles, and much more. Not only is it a way to receive the recognition you deserve, it is a surefire way to polish your online presence!

Once awarded a Phi Kappa Phi initiate “badge,” members are able to customize their online Merit page and easily share it with family and friends via social media or as an online résumé for prospective employers.

You may ask yourself, “How is Merit different than other professional online profiles such as LinkedIn?” With Merit, your profile is automatically created by Phi Kappa Phi Headquarters with verified accomplishments such as your initiation into the Society. In addition to these Phi Kappa Phi-verified achievements, you can enhance your profile with any other achievements and roles you deem important as part of your online résumé. 

If you haven’t received a Phi Kappa Phi Merit page (those initiated prior to March 2013), email with your name and member ID number to get started. 

Click here to learn more about Merit, including FAQs, and check out the latest member achievements on the official Phi Kappa Phi Merit page.