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Phi Kappa Phi News

2014-15 Phi Kappa Phi Award Applications Available

Jan 14, 2014

Applications are now available for all Phi Kappa Phi awards and grants programs. The Society's extensive award programs grant $1 million each biennium to outstanding students, members and chapters. The awards provide everything from $15,000 Fellowships for graduate study to $500 Love of Learning awards for continuing education and professional development. 

This year, the Society is introducing a new award known as the Distinguished Service Award. This award will honor an individual who has provided sustained, non-compensated volunteer service to others beyond the realm of academia. The award recipient will receive a $1,000 honorarium, an active-for-life membership and a recognition citation.

To learn more about each program or apply, please follow the below links. Applications must be received by the following deadlines: