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Phi Kappa Phi News

Volunteer Spotlight – May 2013

Apr 30, 2013

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Dr. Barbra F. Mosley
North Carolina A&T State University


Name: Barbra F. Mosley

Chapter Position: President

Years of Service to the Chapter: Since 2010

University Position: Associate Professor, School of Education, Department of Curriculum & Instruction - Instructional Technology

Degree(s)/Discipline: BA History, MS Ed Media,  Ph.D. Curriculum & Instruction (Instructional Technology)

How did you become involved as a chapter officer?
After my initiation ceremony, I was asked by the President if it would be okay for him to place my name on the nomination list for President-Elect. With no other names on the list, I was voted in as the President-Elect and ended up serving out the rest of that President's term.

What has your chapter done that has made you proud?
I am most proud of the Chapter of Excellence Award we received which validates our commitment to academic excellence and service.  Our members have worked diligently to make the chapter a vital asset for the university and community.

What does Phi Kappa Phi mean to you?
It means I am part of an organization that strongly supports the extension of learning beyond personal comfort zones. Phi Kappa Phi has provided me opportunities to seek continued professional development and other activities where I am able to impact the lives of others.

What do you enjoy most about being a chapter officer?
I enjoy working with diverse groups of people and learning how other organizations on campus operate so that we can best utilize resources to promote our chapter and its activities.

What advice would you give to a new chapter officer?
Once your foundation has been laid whereby members are actively involved and committed to moving the chapter to higher heights; the new chapter officer should do everything within their power to build upon that foundation. I am a strong believer that officers set the example for others to follow; you must lead by example.

What are your hobbies?
Singing, writing poetry/songs, reading, working with young people, and playing in my garden.

Where are you from?
I am originally from Greensboro, N.C.; have lived in several states and abroad while serving as an officer in the U.S. Air Force.

Read Barbra's Bio.