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Phi Kappa Phi News

Volunteer Spotlight – March 2013

Mar 12, 2013

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Lea A. Sexton
University of Nevada, Las Vegas

“Lea has been an exceptional Phi Kappa Phi leader for students, faculty, and staff. She showed me the importance of this prestigious honor society and encouraged me to join as a student in 2004. In 2006, Lea enhanced my role in PKP Chapter 100 at the University of Nevada - Las Vegas by bringing me to executive board meetings with her. Lea serves as a role model for Phi Kappa Phi with her enthusiasm and dedication. It has been a pleasure to work with her on various activities over the years, especially the annual induction ceremonies." – Valarie Morgan, Member at Large, UNLV Chapter.

Q&A with Lea A. Sexton

Name: Lea A. Sexton

Chapter Position: Historian

Years of Service to the Chapter: Since 1993

University Position: Director, College of Liberal Arts, Advising Center

Degree(s)/Discipline: BA, MA English Literature

How did you become involved as a chapter officer?
Former Chapter 100 President, Donald Carns, asked me to help in 1993.  I shadowed the outgoing VP at the time, Nancy Flagg, and I took over in 1994.

What has your chapter done that has made you proud?
So many things have made me proud of Chapter 100; the service of all the past presidents and Board members, and students is at the top of that list. People who have given unselfishly of their time and talents to make this Chapter what it is today - A "Chapter of Excellence."

What does Phi Kappa Phi mean to you?
The Phi Kappa Phi motto, "Let the love of learning rule humanity" is something we could all live by.  I value the organization's belief in service and the way that PKP encourages that service in the scholars and universities where chapters reside. There is a quote by Dr. Martin Luther King that I always think of when I think of Phi Kappa Phi - "Intelligence plus character - that is the goal of true education." I believe that's what we all strive for everyday as we encourage service in the students we meet.

What do you enjoy most about being a chapter officer?
Helping students realize their goals and helping them take pride in their accomplishments.

What advice would you give to a new chapter officer?
When it's busy and you find yourself doing much of the work at home, don't give up. Around every bend is a new group of people willing to donate their time and talents to exceptional students at our University.

What are your hobbies?
I love to read, travel, watch old movies, listen to Jazz, and work on family genealogy.

Where are you from?
l was born in Joplin, Mo. In addition to Nevada, I lived in California, Virginia, Europe and Africa.