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Our Color Palette

The Phi Kappa Phi color palette is comprised of two primary colors and seven supporting colors. Always use the appropriate color values depending on the process to ensure that the Society is presented consistently regardless of medium. If you have questions on how to use the color palette and its accompanying values, please contact us for assistance.


The primary color palette of Phi Kappa Phi includes Pantone® 873 and Pantone® 540. Communications and print materials should always use the primary colors first before incorporating the secondary color palette.

Pantone® 873
CMYK: 25 | 30 | 65 | 10
RGB: 150 | 119 | 77
HEX: #96774d   

Pantone® 540

CMYK: 100 | 55 | 0 | 55
RGB: 0 | 50 | 90
HEX: #00325a


The secondary color palette consists of eight colors. These supporting colors have been selected to complement the primary colors and provide the flexibility needed to differentiate key messages and information.

Pantone 314
Pantone® 314

CMYK: 100 | 0 | 13 | 22 
RGB: 0 | 127 | 163
HEX: #007FA3

Pantone 5445
Pantone® 5445

CMYK: 26 | 10 | 3 | 0
RGB: 183 | 201 | 211    
HEX: #B7C9D3

Pantone 432
Pantone® 432

CMYK: 65 | 43 | 26 | 78 
RGB: 51 | 63 | 72
HEX: #333F48

Pantone Warm Grey 1
Pantone® Warm Gray 1
CMYK: 10 | 10 | 11 | 0
RGB: 215 | 201 | 203

 Pantone 484
Pantone® 484

CMYK: 1 | 90 | 92 | 33
RGB: 154 | 51 | 36
HEX: #9A3324
Pantone 130
Pantone® 130

CMYK: 0 | 32 | 100 | 0
RGB: 242 | 169 | 0
HEX: #F2A900
Pantone 3298
Pantone® 3298

CMYK: 100 | 0 | 67 | 40
RGB: 0 | 106 | 582
HEX: #006A52
Pantone 132
Pantone® 132

CMYK: 0 | 34 | 100 | 36
RGB: 160 | 116 | 0
HEX: #A07400