Forum Features: Solitude

Marla Elsea
Mar 24, 2021

The latest edition of the Phi Kappa Phi Forum will be arriving in your mailbox soon. The spring edition's theme of "Solitude" starts off our 2021 focus and will be followed by themes taking a deeper look at friendship, family and community. The featured stories, regular columnists, and even our custom crossword puzzles will all dive deeper into those ideas.

The feature articles in the spring edition discuss:

A Solitary Respite – Essayist Akiko Busch argues that even small interludes along can be deeply sustaining.

Technology Addicts – Author Maggie Jackson observes that for many Americans, solitary time away from smartphones causes anxiety.

Born to Be a Loner – For writer W.D. Wetherell, time alone is an occupational necessity.

The Pioneer of Solitude – According to scholar Geoff Wisner, Henry David Thoreau wasn't as along as his popular reputation suggests.

As always, we welcome letters to the editor, member news, poetry submissions and story ideas for upcoming themes. Visit our Forum page to learn more.