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Phi Kappa Phi News

Chapter Update - January 2019

Kay White
Jan 23, 2019
GYC BTR 2019 Group ShotChapter Development Director

Twenty-six chapter officers from around the country were in Baton Rouge recently to attend a Growing Your Chapter training hosted by The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi. More than half of the chapter officers in attendance had never been to a training workshop with us before.

As in previous workshops, the morning’s session focused on basics for those attendees just beginning their tenure in service to their chapter. This session served as a refresher and reminder for those that have been an officer for a while. There is always something new to learn about how our Society is doing things!

After lunch, the emphasis turned to group work and the sharing of ideas amongst chapters. We broke up chapters into their divisions for the group work in order to facilitate fruitful discussions about what works at schools of different institutional types. Dinner was served and discussions continued to be lively. Chapter officers departed the next day to return home before their busy workweeks were to begin again.

Comments from the workshop include the following:

“I appreciated meeting people in similar circumstances. Thank you for organizing us by division. I could not have come without the financial support for travel and lodging. Thank you!”

“I think the enthusiasm and knowledge that you exude is worthwhile and motivating, thank you!”

“As a new member and officer this meeting has definitely answered many questions and clarified many doubts.”

“I really liked the small group work and learning from more experienced chapter officers.”

A big THANK YOU to all of the officers that attended. We enjoyed working with you all and hope that this workshop helps you to plan for a successful spring semester and beyond!

If you have chapter events and updates that you’d like to share with the national office, email me at

Photo by Kay White - Participants gather at the Growing Your Chapter workshop held in Baton Rouge in January.