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Phi Kappa Phi News

Call for Volunteers

Aug 25, 2016

Every biennium, Phi Kappa Phi depends upon the good work of more than 100 volunteers to serve on as many as 12 national committees. Most committees are made up of five individuals, including the chair, who represent the diversity of Society membership.

Committee work usually involves conference calls and in some cases a meeting in Baton Rouge. All travel expenses are paid for by the Society (according to its travel expense policy), and meetings are kept to a minimum for the sake of efficiency.

This is a wonderful opportunity to get involved on a national level with Phi Kappa Phi and to network with colleagues from around the country.

Click here to review the list of committees and descriptions of their work.

Members must be active (dues-current) to serve on a committee and have been a member of Phi Kappa Phi for at least five years (initiated in 2011 or earlier). The deadline for submissions is Sept. 10.

Click here to submit the Committee Service Volunteer Form.